No Sweat No Stress
Permanently Stop Underarm Sweat Now – Be Antiperspirant Free Forever – Throw Away Your Antiperspirant / Deodorant. Clean, confident, carefree, forever. Did you wear antiperspirant today? With miraDry, you may not have to. Whether you’re in a business setting or out with friends, miraDry® is your solution for sweat-free odor-free and hair-free underarms in as little as one treatment. Be toxin free for life!
- miraDry is the only non-invasive, FDA-cleared treatment to permanently eliminate sweat in the underarm.
- miraDry is the only non-invasive FDA-cleared device for the treatment of sweat.
- miraDry permanently eliminates sweat and odor glands leaving you feeling clean, confident, and carefree.
- The miraDry treatment is complete in about one hour and you will see results in as little as one treatment.
- Eliminate hair of all colors under the arm
- Results are immediate permanent – Sweat and odor glands are destroyed and do not regenerate.
- Looking and feeling your best shouldn’t include the potential embarrassment caused by underarm sweat.
- Whether you sweat a lot or just a little, with miraDry, everyone can embrace life to the fullest – without fear or embarrassment of underarm issues getting in the way.
- miraDry is a quick, in-office treatment providing immediate results with minimal downtime.
- Strong safety record
- Imagine a lifetime of freedom from the worries of visible sweat stains or ruining your favorite clothes with antiperspirants
- Imagine a lifetime of freedom from underarm sweat outbreak in personal or professional encounters.
- Non-Surgical / No surgery
- Toxin-Free ,Antiperspirant Free
- Underarm sweat solution
- No downtime
Mira Smooth
miraSmooth = miraDry + 2 hair removal treatments
Perfect Pit!
The premium 3 in 1 treatment: hair, sweat & odor reduction
Are you looking for smooth, dry underarms?
the latest innovation in permanent underarm hair removal
treats light and white color hair
significant reduction in as little as 1 treatment
With MiraDry, n2u aesthetics can help you stop sweating in as little as one treatment.Permanently Stop Underarm Sweat Now. Be Antiperspirant Free Forever .Throw Away Your Antiperspirant / Deodorant.